Russian digital platform fined for containing LGBTQIA+ content

The Russian court imposed a fine equivalent to BRL 270,000 for the “Meta Platforms” platform. The action occurred as a result of the presence of posts that promoted “non-traditional sexual relations”, being strictly prohibited in the country according to the law instituted in 2013.

Read too: The Sims 4 is censored in Russia and new expansion is barred by anti-LGBT+ laws

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The law has been generating dissatisfaction on the part of the LGBTQIA+ population, who claim to be against the decision and consider it to be a prejudiced act by the judiciary.

The purpose of the attitude, according to the court, is to protect children from content or information that deviates from the traditional values ​​of the family, imposed by society.

When the law was about to be approved, the Human Rights organization Article 19 formalized a document that contained justifications for it not to be ratified. However, in 2013 approval took place, leading to protests by young people and adults in front of the Russian parliament.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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