Restless Leg Syndrome

Legs flailing involuntarily at night? This can be a symptom of restless legs syndrome (RLS). This syndrome is a neurological disorder or chronic sensorimotor disease that was first described by the Swedish neurologist Karl-Axel Ekbom in 1947.

The syndrome can occur due to a nutritional deficiency of iron, folate or vitamin B12, as well as other diseases such as arthritis. rheumatoid, excessive alcohol and caffeine intake, diabetes, uremia, peripheral nerve or spinal cord injuries, and even pregnancy.

This disorder occurs more frequently in people over the age of 30 years and, mainly, females, and it can be primary (idiopathic) or secondary (symptomatic). The primary possibly has a genetic origin, while the secondary occurs due to the lack of some component in the diet. The syndrome can be aggravated by the administration of medications, such as antidepressants.

The person has a feeling of discomfort in the legs, such as twinges, stinging, irritation, restlessness, which generates a need to move the legs that occurs at rest or around the time of sleep. This ends up affecting the person's sleep cycle, causing drowsiness during the day, fatigue, tiredness, stress, in addition to problems in daily routines due to lack of mood and concentration.

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Treatments vary according to the severity of the disease and from person to person, and may or may not use drugs. Treatment aims to relieve symptoms through iron replacement, acupuncture and relaxation, changing habits. food, adopting the intake of healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals, and life in general, avoiding alcohol, caffeine and tobacco. Better sleep habits, such as time to sleep, allowing the biological clock to be adjusted; and performing physical activities for relaxation can also help.

By Giorgia Lay-Ang
Graduated in Biology
Brazil School Team

Illnesses - Brazil School

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LAY-ANG, Georgia. "Restless Leg Syndrome"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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