Have you ever imagined being born with your sister as identical twins and sharing with her not only your appearance, but other aspects of life itself? This is the case of Anna and Lucy DeCinque, also known as the “most identical twins in the world”, who live a partnership that goes far beyond the same reflection in the mirror. Understand.
Twins born in Australia
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At the age of 37, the identical twin sisters were born in Australia and confess that they love to keep the same routine, including going to the bathroom to evacuate. That's right, they do “it” together.

In an interview with a British program called This Morning, the sisters claim to have the habit of eating the same food, in the same proportion, at the same time, in order to maintain the synchrony of the digestive process so that they can share the same time to go to the bathroom.
The unusual stories don't stop there.
In addition to meals, the sisters – who apparently seek not to separate for anything – also reveal that they prefer to keep the same appearance. Even if, for this, it is necessary to do procedures that are not necessary.
According to the dentist's recommendation, Anna should have a tooth extracted. Lucy, in order not to differentiate herself from her sister, decided to do the same procedure. The difference is that Lucy's tooth was healthy. The purpose was to create absolutely no difference between them.
And to keep the position of the most identical twins in the world, both also share the same fiancé. That's right! Ben Burnes, 37, proposed to his sisters on the same day and at the same time.
In addition to the same groom, the women also plan get pregnant at the same time as Ben, with whom they have lived together for over 12 years. Far from wanting to put pressure on their partner, they claim that it is a task “for Ben”.
In Australia, there is a law that prohibits polygamy. For this reason, their wedding cannot be done on the spot. Therefore, they plan to travel abroad to fulfill this dream.
This is a rather unusual story involving identical twins who have already invested more than R$600,000 in cosmetic procedures to keep their image intact.