Angry father after solidarity campaign for homeless daughter they evicted

Realizing that a young man in her community was going through a difficult situation, a mother was quick to help. However, as she reported in a post on the subReddit “r / AmITheA–hole” – a space where individuals seek to understand if they acted incorrectly in a misunderstanding -, their interference ended up causing a series of conflicts and controversies.

When everything started

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Lily, a young teenager, was kicked out of the house and had his financial support cut off by his parents on his 18th birthday.

Even though she hadn't finished high school and was still quite dependent on her parents, they didn't hesitate to make that decision, leaving her in a difficult situation.

From what happened, a scenario began in which a homeless teenager urgently needed help.

Lily had to face a delicate situation, having to jump from sofa to sofa at friends' houses, with the possibility of having to drop out of school to look for a job and guarantee her livelihood.

However, thanks to her best friend's mother, who became aware of the situation, she found help and support to overcome these difficulties.

Mother mobilized help for young woman who was expelled

Her best friend's mom started a fundraiser for a homeless teenager who was kicked out by her parents.

It is worth mentioning that this mother generously welcomed the teenager into her home, providing shelter and food, with the condition that she continued to study and completed her studies.

The teenager, in turn, decided that she wanted, above all, not only to participate in the family, but also to contribute, collaborating with the bills, groceries and other daily needs.

So, together with her friend, Lily came up with the idea of ​​holding a fundraiser through a barbecue.

The mother helped them put the plan into practice, publicizing the action in a local Facebook group, in flyers and on social media.

The publications, written by Lily, explained that she no longer had the financial support of her parents, as she was kicked out of her home on her 18th birthday and therefore was without resources financial.

Teenager's parents denounce mother for slander

Parents, upon seeing the publication with the request for help, contacted the teenager's mother, accusing her of "slander" and scolding her for exposing the situation online.

The mother then questioned the situation and recalled that she may be partly responsible for the fact that a teenager is homeless.

However, Lily's mother dismisses this claim as she doesn't see it that way. On the contrary, she believes her daughter would have been ungrateful.

Internet revolts against parents who expelled daughter from home

Fundraising for a homeless teenager kicked out by her parents has come as a surprise to most internet users.

Some questioned the parents' attitude in making this decision as their daughter comes of age, suggesting they could have avoided the criticism they received.

There was also agreement on the need to justify their actions when seeking empathy, rather than trying to blame other people for the negative consequences of their choices.

The outrage was directed at Lily's parents on TikTok as well.

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