The most dangerous bird in the world: 5 facts about the cassowary

The cassowary is a large bird, native to Australia, New Guinea and nearby islands. Because he has an unfriendly temper, he is known as the most dangerous bird in the world, however, he is a very interesting animal. With that in mind, we've listed 5 fun facts about the cassowary. So keep reading to learn a little more about him.

Facts about the cassowary.
Photo: Canva.

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Curious facts about the most dangerous bird in the world: The cassowary

This bird can reach 1.5 meters in height and can reach about 60 kilos. In addition to the strong and unfriendly temper, for which it is popularly known, the cassowary has other characteristics that are worth mentioning. Without further ado, learn a little more about this eccentric bird.

1. Never offer food to a cassowary

As we pointed out from the beginning, the cassowary is very easily angered. In this sense, many unsuspecting people try to approach him by offering food, something that is common and serves as a tactic to approach several animals. However, this bird is not usually friendly with this type of attitude and can react with pecks and kicks.

2. The cassowary is a frugivorous animal.

This bird would have everything to attack smaller animals and feed on these game, however, an interesting fact is that the cassowary is predominantly frugivorous. It basically feeds on fruits that fall to the forest floor. However, they eventually feed on dead animals.

3. Its claws are capable of tearing a person's neck.

The cassowary has massive claws, which can be over 12 centimeters long. He uses this trait to reach his victims and such an attribute can easily cause him to tear a person's neck or even the belly.

4. The cassowary does not support dogs

This unfriendly bird hates dogs, but there is an explanation for this particularity: dogs of the dingo breed, which is a kind of wild Australian dog, usually hunt cassowaries. Therefore, the bird does not support dogs around and can attack them with kicks.

5. The cassowary has great longevity

It is not known for sure how many years a wild cassowary can live. However, the researchers believe that this bird is quite long-lived, since there are records of cassowaries that have lived for more than 40 years in captivity.

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