Check the payment dates for the FGTS birthday withdrawal amounts

There is a new modality that allows the redemption of FGTS values. Therefore, anyone who is a worker with some value to be received may choose to carry out the portability to the new form, following a very simple step by step, which can also be done over the internet, without having to leave home to perform the operation.

Read more: Extraordinary FGTS withdrawal expires in December

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Beneficiaries born in November and December can now withdraw the…

We are talking here about the modality of the FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal, which was created by Law number 13,932/2019. The main objective for the creation of this law was to allow workers to access in a more calm and secure the Fund's money, and also to inject, in a way, more resources into the Brazilian economy. See here how you can request portability.

FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal

To be able to request portability, you need to access the FGTS application, which is available for Android and iOS. Accessing your account after entering your personal data and going through the application's security checks, just read the contract that will appear on the screen. It is important to say here that you need to be very careful when reading the terms and conditions, and if you agree, just click on the option that will appear right after saying that you agree.

Once this is done, select the option “Opt for the Birthday Withdrawal”. A new contract confirmation will be requested, and if you agree, just check the option that will appear in the sequence.

However, if you choose to receive in this mode, you must be aware that you will not have access to rescission appeals in the event of dismissal without just cause, having the right only to receive a fine in the amount of 40%.

What is the calendar?

The available schedule is as follows:

  • January 3rd to March 31st: receive the amount in the 1st month;
  • February 1st to April 29th: receive the amount in the 2nd month;
  • March 1st to May 31st: receive the amount in the 3rd month;
  • April 1st to June 30th: receive the amount in the 4th month;
  • May 2nd to July 29th: receive the amount in the 5th month;
  • June 1st to August 31st: receive the amount in the 6th month;
  • July 1st to September 30th: receive the amount in the 7th month;
  • August 1st to October 28th: ​​receive the amount in the 8th month;
  • September 1st to November 30th: receive the amount in the 9th month;
  • October 3rd to December 30th: receive the amount in the 10th month;
  • November 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023: receive the amount in month 11;
  • December 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023: Receive the amount in month 12.

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