Exercises on bird characteristics

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To the birdshave as their main feature the presence of feathers, which act as a waterproof covering for the body, providing thermal and aerodynamic protection for flight.

However, birds have many other adaptations characteristic of the group, such as the horny beak, the cloaca and the chemical stomach.

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We prepared a list of exercises on characteristics of birds so you can test your knowledge about this group of animals.

You can consult the feedback and save this list in PDF at the end of the post!

Exercises on bird characteristics

1) (UFRGS) Check the alternative that correctly fills in the gaps in the statement below, in the order in which they appear.

Bird feathers are epidermal formations and have different functions, such as protecting the body, waterproofing the skin and maintaining body temperature. Birds like the __________ spread the fatty secretion of the __________ over the feathers, waterproofing them.

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a) penguins – salt gland
b) sparrows – cloaca
c) ducks – cuticle
d) swans – uropygial gland
e) pelicans – ribcage

2) (UFPEL) Both the integument of birds and mammals contribute to the following homeostatic mechanism:

a) regulation of the respiratory rate.
b) body temperature regulation.
c) regulation of blood sugar content.
d) regulation of the urea content in the blood.
e) regulation of water content in the organism.

3) (FEI) The gizzard found in birds is related to:

a) food storage.
b) storage of excreta.
c) crushing food.
d) digestion of proteins.
e) absorption of simple sugars.

4) (FCC) In many vertebrates, the muscles that act on the lens of the eye are smooth, but in some this musculature is striated and this characteristic can be considered an important adaptation related to the feeding habits of the animal. For which of the vertebrates below is this characteristic most advantageous?

a) Herbivores.
b) Insectivorous animals.
c) Birds of prey.
d) granivorous birds.
i) Mammals.

5) (UEMT) Weight loss is an important factor in the evolution of birds. With it, the following characteristics of current birds can be related, except:

a) absence of teeth.
b) body covered with feathers.
c) insoluble nitrogenous excreta.
d) absence of urinary bladder.
e) presence of air sacs.

6) (UNISA) The absence of a urinary bladder and the continuous elimination of feces can be considered in birds an adaptation to:

a) homeothermy.
b) heterothermia.
c) arboreal life.
d) egg laying.
e) flight.

7) (UFRGS) The popular expression “ostrich stomach” is used to define people who eat everything and do not face digestive problems with it. About the feeding process of birds, mark the correct statement.

a) The ingested food passes directly to the chemical stomach.
b) Digestive enzymes begin to act in the crop.
c) The gizzard has a mechanical action that grinds the ingested food.
d) Some species regurgitate the contents of the gizzard to feed the chicks.
e) The diet includes only animals such as insects and vertebrates.

8) (UFU) Which of the alternatives below presents a characteristic that is not characteristic of birds?

a) After hatching, the parents continue to care for the offspring.
b) Quick movements and reflexes.
c) They have a heart made up of four separate chambers.
d) Development of vision.
e) Internal fertilization and internal development.

9) (FAAP) Birds have wings and feathers to fly. Wings and feathers are not the only structures responsible for bird flight. The other structure, in addition to wings and feathers, also responsible for flight is:

a) the neck, because it is long.
b) the paws, because they are thin.
c) the nose, due to aerodynamic penetration.
d) the sternum, which is keel-shaped and facilitates flight.
e) the size, that's why the big birds don't fly.

10) (UEL) Consider the following items:

I – Presence of a keel on the sternum.
II – Presence of uropygial glands.
III – Powerful pectoral muscles.
IV - Skeleton with solid bones.

The only requirements for flying birds are:

a) I and II.
b) I and III.
c) I and IV.
d) II and III.
e) II and IV.


1. d
2. B
3. w
4. w
5. The

6. It is
7. w
8. It is
9. d
10. B

Click here to save this list of exercises in PDF!

See too:

  • List of exercises about insects
  • List of exercises on invertebrates
  • List of exercises on vertebrates

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