Can Red Dye be harmful to health when placed in food?

The study was carried out with mice and it was possible to identify that the Red Dye can cause some damage to the health of those who consume it on a daily basis. Did you know that? It's good to stay inside and see how the red dye can be harmful to health when placed in food.

Read more: Gut health: There are many ways to improve it

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Red Dye – Benefit or Harm?

Consuming synthetic food coloring on a daily basis is common. They are used in sweets, cereals, soft drinks and can affect people's health, specifically gut health.

A study carried out by scientists, with mice, shows that the dye can develop inflammation in the large intestine in users if ingested on a regular basis.

Younger mice, by regularly ingesting the dye, run the risk of developing intestinal problems in the future. The dye is poorly absorbed and can be ingested by microbes that are in the intestine.

All this can cause toxic and carcinogenic effect. This was not the first discovery by scientists involving the dye.

Why do people consume the dye?

Synthetic dyes are regularly produced because of their low cost, which makes them convenient to sell. This makes the food more attractive to customers and children who are used to consuming the products on a regular basis.

What parents don't know is that the synthetic dye has been making children sick in the future. Children are more exposed to diseases such as IBD (disease inflammatory bowel) long-term.

However, more research is needed so that it is possible to confirm whether the results really affect humans, after the widespread and constant use of the synthetic dye.

It is of utmost importance that research be done and that studies discover whether the synthetic dye can negatively influence long-term gut health.

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