Signs that you are becoming more like your parents

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when we are children, we dream of being like our parents, but that feeling in adolescence becomes the opposite and we do everything to not have any resemblance to them. However, when this phase passes, the more the years pass, we realize that inevitably the resemblance increases. Here are some signs that you are like your parents.

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You and your parents are becoming equals

Our parents are responsible for educating us and they taught us many of the things we know today, they teach us principles, tastes and even a worldview. Therefore, in childhood it is common to have our parents as our heroes and to be inspired by them, however, when this phase is over and we begin to understand the world from their own perspective, we try to get rid of everything from the personality that refers to them or anyone in the family.

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As much as in adolescence we try to escape the similarities, over the years, they become increasingly increasingly notorious and come closer to show that you and they are not as different as you think. See some of them.

You begin to understand the complaints

As an adult, it's natural to look back and realize how immature you were and, with that, you come to understand your parents and even agree with them, after all, they only wanted your good.

In favor of objects such as cup holders

You begin to understand that your mother was right when she complained about not using the cup holders, after all, you start to realize that the stain left by the glasses definitely shouldn't appear on the furniture.

You are no longer in favor of certain clothes

The clothes of teenagers start to give you a bit of a shock, like yours did to your parents.

you talk like them

Sometimes you don't even speak the same words, but the way you communicate, speech expression and intonation can sound very familiar.

Standing is not an option

You start to see no point in going to places where you can't sit, be it bars or concerts, just like your parents do.

You copy the recipes

You start to miss the homemade food made in your family's house, so you start trying to reproduce some recipes instead of eating processed foods.

The physical similarities scream

Of course, you've always been told how much you and your parents looked alike, but you've never noticed as much resemblance as you do now.

There's a world in your bag

Just like your mother, you start carrying everything inside your purse, after all, you start to understand that it's important to be ready for any situation.

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