Classmate is excluded from the party and parents share the reason

A close-knit network of parents who share their problems with each other is known as “r/Parenting”. Generally, those responsible tell their stories and seek new ways of reacting or solving a more delicate problem, as parents also need advice. What would you do if your child was excluded?

Not long ago, a mother shared a curious account. The son, aged 8, is in third grade. One of his classmates excluded him from a party even though all the other classmates were invited. Yes, except him! The classmate said her son wasn't on the guest list, but everyone else was remembered.

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Your child has been excluded: what to do?

Many of the schools in the United States applied an interesting measure: they started to consider that all students from a class should be invited if the invitation to the party was made inside the classroom. This boy's school did not follow this policy, however.

“My 8-year-old son came home crying yesterday because another student, M, passed out his birthday party invitations to everyone except him,” he introduced the subject on the website. “It happened in your classroom, and there are 18 students in your class.”

The growth phase is difficult for some children, since this is the time when they try to fit in and try to make new friends. That's why some schools follow policies that aim to prevent uncomfortable situations from happening.

The child who did not receive the invitation even asked why he had not received the proposal as well. That's when the classmate responded saying he just wasn't on the list. The mother shared the case and said that she did not see any problems with it, but she showed that the child is “bad” when she is alone with her son.

The mother thought about taking the case to the teachers and the principal, but said that the attitude might not end so well for her and her son. There were many pieces of advice for and against women, suggesting new alternatives.

One of them said that the woman could invest in her own son's reaction, so that he would be even more resilient in the face of problems, the mother then accepted the proposal and organized activities to carry out with the son.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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