Burnout: the spark that lights the flame of mental and emotional breakdown

Accustomed to the rush of everyday life, we often don't even realize the signs that our body is not doing well. Sometimes extreme tiredness and stress come with something else, a serious illness that can end up compromising our performance a lot if not treated. Keep reading and learn more about what is burnout and what can it cause.

Pay close attention to the signs

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Inattention to the body's requests has become an increasingly frequent practice with the many demands of life, but stopping and evaluating what is happening is extremely necessary.

Often, this ′′ small gesture ′′ can free us from something much bigger, like a conflict that delays our life.

“Burnout” is a disease that represents the state of extreme physical and emotional exhaustion, which leads to distancing from environment, as well as cynicism, bringing as consequences the lack of accomplishment in the tasks and the sad feeling of ineffectiveness.

It is a state of chronic stress.

Scholars warn that it is important to pay attention to this disease, as research indicates a fine line between depression and this state of exhaustion, being similar diseases.

And now, what to do?

Even though it is a complicated state, there are ways to reverse this situation. In order to improve the quality of life, maintaining good mental health is an urgent issue, with its value highlighted at all times.

There's no way to go on with peaceful days without a healthy mind.

The answer may seem simple and the exercises performed to achieve it too, but we often forget about it or the time to put it into practice is short.

Most of the time, we feel that 24 hours a day is not enough for everyone to do, but there are things that we cannot neglect.

To change this state of exhaustion and avoid Burnout, we must look for moments in our routine to breathe and relax.

Finding programs that distract our mind, moments of relaxation and adequate hours of sleep for the body are some of the practices that help us not to get sick.

In addition, a healthy diet, physical exercises and other activities are also important in this regard.

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