Can you find the prisoner in the picture in less than 20 seconds?

Sometimes we get bored and that's completely normal. In these moments it's always good to have a hobby to distract your mind, isn't it? So, with that in mind, we prepared a puzzle in which your mission is to find the prisoner in the picture. There's just one detail: to be considered a winner you need to find it in less than 20 seconds.

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Puzzle: Find the Prisoner

This challenge has become popular on the internet in recent days and, while some netizens managed to solve the riddle super quickly, others needed to see the answer highlighted in the image to finally know where the prisoner was hid.

In general, people have taken an average of 25 seconds to solve the puzzle, so we challenge you to break the record and solve the puzzle in less than 20 seconds. Wassup can you make it? Watch the image below carefully and find out where the prisoner camouflaged himself:


As you may have noticed, the image we selected has dozens of people with different types of clothes and bodies. But then, amid so much information, have you found the prisoner?

If so, congratulations on your agility, because you really are a fast person. However, if you haven't found it yet, we'll give you some tips.

  • Let's go to the first tip: the prisoner is hidden at the bottom of the image. Therefore, there is no point in looking for it at the top of the figure because you will waste your time for nothing;
  • Another tip is this: there's a blonde woman very close to where he hid!

And now, did you find it? If it's still difficult to find him, let's go to one more clue: there are two people wearing glasses in the image. and the escaped prisoner is very close to one of them... Now it's practically impossible for you not to guess, huh? Look again at the image carefully and good luck.

Finally, if even with all these tips you didn't see where the prisoner was camouflaged, check out the image with him highlighted below. Once you see the answer, you'll never look at that illustration again without seeing where it is! Keep solving challenges like this one to strengthen your observation skills and improve your performance.


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