Learn how to help victims of domestic violence

As a result of the increase in cases of domestic violence in Brazil, strategies are being created to support these people. The aim is to provide conditions for the victims to resume their lives away from the aggressors. If you are one of these victims then look now how financial aid works for people who have experienced domestic violence.

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New initiative by Rio City Hall – Carioca Woman Card

On the last 18th, the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro together with Joyce Trindade, Secretary of Policies and Promotion of Women, publicized the creation of the Carioca Woman Card, referring to a financial aid whose amount is R$ 400 destined for women victims of violence domestic.

Women assisted in the network to combat violence in the city of Rio in a situation of economic vulnerability may receive assistance. and/or social, with a family income of at most half a minimum wage per capita and it is also necessary to be over 18 years old, except mothers teenagers.

It is not necessary to present a record of occurrence to request assistance. In this sense, at first 80 women will be covered and, in total, 500 cards will be made available. Currently, the Secretariat assists around 24,000 women.

The aid will last for up to six months, but it is possible that there will be an extension for another 90 days, after an evaluation by the technical team that monitors the cases of the network dedicated to dealing with this situation.

Another form of support provided by the Secretariat for Women is Move-Mulher, which grants tickets for victims of domestic violence to use on public transport. Thus, each card has the value of R$ 24.30, corresponding to 6 tickets.

Other aid alternatives

The state of Rondônia created aid at the state level called the Mulher Protegida program and payments have already started on December 31st. Thus, there will be six installments worth R$ 400 for the beneficiary victims.

In Fortaleza, there is the Maria da Penha Social Rent, which costs R$ 420 and lasts for 12 months, although it can be extended for a maximum of 24 months. This program is also aimed at victims of domestic violence.

Finally, in São Paulo there is also an aid aimed at paying rent, in the amount of R$ 400. The program assists victims who have children up to 5 years old and does not require the presentation of a police report or protective measure.

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