INSS requires specific documents to prove stable union

The number of couples living in a stable relationship has grown exponentially in Brazil. However, many do not know how to prove such a union, especially when the purpose is to obtain benefits from the INSS, such as the death pension. Therefore, check now the necessary documents to obtain this proof.

Read more: How to prove the stable union to get the death pension

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What defines a stable union?

Couples who live together, but are not officially married, have legally guaranteed rights, including separation, as well as a couple who sign a document at a notary. In this way, this category of relationship is called a stable union.

The Civil Code provides in its art. 1723: “A stable union between a man and a woman is recognized as a family entity, configured in public coexistence, continuous and lasting and established with the objective of constituting family".

That is, this type of union takes place because it is a contract between two people who live in a stable and lasting relationship with the aim of creating a family nucleus. According to the New Civil Code (2002), the minimum period of coexistence between husband and wife is not stipulated as a requirement for a stable union.

Documentation to prove the stable union

In some states, the approval of the stable union for the INSS is carried out with only two documents. However, it is essential that they are efficient enough for the approval of the union.

The following documents can be submitted:

  • testamentary dispositions;
  • Bank account belonging to both;
  • People who are witnesses to the couple;
  • Religious Marriage Certificate;
  • If there are children, their birth certificate;
  • Registration in an association of any nature where the interested party is listed as dependent on the insured;
  • Income Tax Declaration (spouse as dependent);
  • Insurance policy where the insured person is the initiator of the insurance and the interested person is the beneficiary;
  • Form in a medical assistance institution, with the insured person as responsible;
  • With the name of the dependent, have a deed of purchase and sale of property by the insured;
  • Evidence of evident domestic burdens and existence of society or communion in the acts of living together.

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