What is appendicitis?

Appendicitis it is an inflammation that reaches the appendix, a structure of the digestive system located in the first portion of the large intestine. Appendicitis is usually caused by an obstruction that occurs as a result of the stool accumulation. One of the main symptoms of appendicitis is pain located in the right side of the abdomen.

The treatment of appendicitis consists of removing the appendix. Appendicitis can affect anyone, however, it is more common in adolescents and young adults. Appendicitis is rarely seen in children under the age of five and people over the age of 50 years.

Read more: Colostomy - exteriorization of part of the large intestine in the abdomen

What is the appendix?

To better understand what appendicitis is, we must know what the appendix is. The appendix is ​​a structure that protrudes from the cecum and is shaped like a glove finger. It is five to 10 cm long, but can reach up to 30 cm in some people. The function of this organ remains somewhat obscure, being treated by many authors as a stunted organ. Some authors, however, relate the appendix to the modulation of the

immune system.

Read more: Organs of the human body - what they are and their functions

What is appendicitis?

Appendicitis is an inflammation that affects the appendix.
Appendicitis is an inflammation that affects the appendix.

Appendicitis is a inflammation that reaches the appendix as a result of an obstruction of the structure. The obstruction promotes an increase in secretion, distension of the structure's wall, and an increase in intraluminal pressure (within the structure). In addition, the venous return is compromised, which favors ischemia (lack of blood supply) and proliferation of bacteria. Later, mucosal ulcerations, arterial thrombosis, gangrene and wall rupture appear, making this situation extremely worrying. If you want to know more about this condition, read: Appendicitis.

What causes appendicitis?

Appendicitis is a disease that occurs as a result of obstruction of the appendix. Most of the time, this obstruction is caused by hard stools or lymphoid hyperplasia. In addition, other causes of obstruction are the presence of parasites, tumorsor foreign bodies.

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What are the symptoms of appendicitis?

Without a doubt, the most striking symptom of appendicitis is the pain in the lower right side of the abdomen. Patients report that the pain is weak, at first, and increases in intensity until it becomes unbearable. It is characterized by being localized and continuous. The patient with appendicitis may also present nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, indigestion, loss of appetite, chills and fever. The general malaise associated with the symptoms described can cause appendicitis to be mistaken, for example, as food poisoning.

It is important to make clear the importance of seeking medical help as soon as symptoms start so that treatment can occur. before the appendix ruptures. This situation, known as suppurating appendicitis, it can lead to death as a result of, for example, generalized infection. It is noteworthy that there is no exact time between the onset of symptoms and the perforation of the appendix, however, in most cases, the perforation takes about 70 hours.

Also access: What is sepsis, the old generalized infection

How is appendicitis diagnosed?

Appendicitis can be diagnosed by analyzing the patient's signs and symptoms. O blood count it is also an important test in the investigation of the disease, since, through it, an increase in leukocytes, which indicates infection. To complete the diagnosis, the doctor may order tests such as radiography, ultrasound and tomography.

How is appendicitis treated?

Surgery to remove the appendix is ​​essential in cases of appendicitis.
Surgery to remove the appendix is ​​essential in cases of appendicitis.

The treatment of appendicitis consists of surgical removal of the appendix. This surgery should be performed as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed, as perforation of the appendix can have serious consequences for the patient.

How to prevent appendicitis?

Appendicitis can be prevented with a balanced diet rich in fibers. This recommendation is made because, in most cases, the condition is related to obstruction of the appendix by feces. With an adequate intestinal transit, we have a reduced risk of developing the disease. It is worth noting that a healthy eating it is responsible not only for preventing appendicitis but also for several other diseases.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/biologia/o-que-e-apendicite.htm

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