Can dogs see all colors? Check out all about the canine vision!

Have you ever wondered how dogs see? In recent years, science has managed to demystify some claims that were released without any scientific backing about the eyesight of dogs. After all, who hasn't heard that dogs see in black and white, right? But some recent studies conclude that, in fact, this is not exactly the case.

How does dog vision work?

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First, we must understand how canine vision works in general. Animal eyes have two types of cells: cones and rods. Cones are used to recognize colors. Rods recognize light. So, the animal's vision is the result of the action of these two types of cells.

For example, because dogs have more rods and fewer cones than humans, they see much better at night than we do.

Can dogs see all colors?

After all, who hasn't heard that dogs see in black and white, right? But some recent studies conclude that, in fact, this is not exactly the case.

Dogs do see in colors, but they can't distinguish all of them. This is because dogs only have two types of color receptor cones.

That is, there are three primary colors: red, green and blue and the combinations between them generate all other colors. Dogs only perceive shades of red and blue. Therefore, the colors originating from green are less noticeable, so, to compensate for the absence of these tones, the pet's brain completes everything with gray.

Eye care for dogs

Now that you know more about dogs' vision, it's time to learn how to take care of their eyes. These animals can also have diseases that affect their eyesight. Allergies, glaucoma and conjunctivitis are some of the most common.

The main symptoms of an eye disease are:

  • Difficulty dodging objects;
  • Iris color change;
  • Secretion;
  • Whitish cornea.

If you notice any of the above signs, it is ideal to visit a veterinarian urgently. Eye problems can disrupt your pet's quality of life. In addition, an early diagnosis is essential for more effective treatment.

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