4 signs that it's time to change your cell phone

Have you noticed that, after a while, your cell phone starts giving you headaches? Malfunctions, crashes, update problems or defects inherent in time are common characteristics that appear on cell phones after a long time of use. But do you already know how to identify when it's time to change your phone? We show you some signs that your cell phone is stopping working and will possibly let you down.

When to change phones?

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There are some signs that the cell itself passes indicating that its lifetime may be coming to an end. Here, we separate a list of the top 5 indications that the time has come to buy a new cell phone.

bad battery

This problem classic of multiple cell phones is one of the main signs that your cell phone needs to be replaced. After a few years, your cell phone's battery health is not the same as when it was purchased, and this is inevitable. There are ways to increase the life of your battery, respecting the manufacturer's instructions for correct charging. Changing the battery sometimes may not be worth it, the best option being to buy a new one.

insufficient storage

As technology advances, heavier and more storage applications need to function properly. That's when the problem arises, if your cell phone is out of storage, it is common for crashes to occur and you are prevented from downloading new files or applications. This is an indication that changing your cell phone may be a good idea.

Stuttering and latency

Malfunction is the clearest sign that your cell phone is becoming outdated. Newer applications and operating systems demand more from your cell phone and, therefore, older models face difficulties in delivering quality. If you feel that apps that used to work normally now crash or are slow, it's a good option to change your cell phone.

Some apps stop working or receiving updates

If those apps you always used stop working or receiving updates, maybe your cell phone model is old. Not receiving 'upgrades' is the first symptom of a cell phone that is no longer receiving support from its manufacturers. This is probably the main sign that it's time to change your phone.

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