Boa constrictor removal in the car draws attention

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O Fire Department Military (CBM) is one of the most important institutions in Brazil and operates on several fronts to ensure the safety of the population. Among its attributions is the rescue of wild animals.

Last Wednesday, firefighters carried out a removal of a boa constrictor that had been found in the engine of a car, whose owner, when carrying out maintenance, found the animal. Learn more about boa constrictor removal in the car.

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Boa found in car

Last Wednesday (15), the Military Fire Department (CBM) carried out an unusual rescue in the Everest neighborhood, in Niquelândia. A man who was performing maintenance on his vehicle came across a boa constrictor in the car's engine. Immediately, the car owner called the corporation, which promptly went to carry out the rescue.

snake removal

Using safety equipment and snake capture, firefighters managed to remove the wild animal from the vehicle and return it to its natural habitat. During the rescue operation, the snake tried to lunge several times, but thanks to the technique and skill of the firefighters, the animal was safely rescued.

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population awareness

By sharing the rescue video, CBM took the opportunity to guide the population on how to act in situations involving wild animals in the urban area. It is important to remain calm and take precautions to avoid accidents.

In addition, it is essential to activate the responsible bodies, such as the Fire Department, to carry out the capture of the animal.

professional work

This action by the Fire Department serves as a reminder of how important the presence and work of these professionals is in our society. They are always ready to help and ensure the safety of the population and animals, even in unexpected and risky situations like this one.

“When you come across a snake in an urban area, it is important to remain calm and take precautions to avoid accidents. It is recommended to call the responsible bodies, such as the Fire Department, to capture the animal”, guided the CBM.
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