Find out how to update your Caixa Tem registration data

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Caixa Tem is a free application from Caixa Econômica Federal, aimed at managing the balance of digital social savings and receiving social benefits. In this way, many banking services are offered on it and, therefore, it is important that the registration data are always correct. This is because, with updated information, the bank is able to provide more security to its users.

See too: Check out the confirmed social benefits for 2022!

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Caixa Tem is like a bank app, where you can make Pix and transfers, shop with a virtual debit card, pay slips, among other things. This application has even been used a lot in the last 2 years, due to the emergency aid of the pandemic.

Therefore, Caixa says it intends to transform Caixa Tem into a complete digital bank that targets the low-income population. However, currently, as it is a savings account and focused on social programs, there are some limitations that, if not complied with, generate costs for the user. Among them are the limitation of balance transactions of R$5,000, the limit of two monthly withdrawals without a card, the limit of a maximum of three transfers to other banks per month and the limit of withdrawing only two statements per month.

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How to update your data?

If you have a Caixa Tem account and want to update your data, read on to understand how to do so. The update is free and you only need internet and an identity document. With that, go to Caixa Tem and log in.

Then, enter the initial menu, click on “Update my registration” and then on “Got it, let's get started”. Once this is done, Caixa Tem will show your data and/or fields to fill in. You should check them and change any that are in error, if applicable. For those who are correct, you can proceed.

It is important to note that they will ask you for your income and equity information, and you will need to inform your sources of income, values, time of receipt, etc. This way, have this information already at hand.

Then, after finishing the update, just wait 48 hours and the services will be available for you in the app. If you have any problems, go to a Caixa agency so that they can help you solve and update your data.

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