See what the biggest and most dangerous serial killers kept from their victims

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From time to time, we come across some gruesome stories of serial murder that are stomach-churning. some of these Murderers they stood out for their coldness, extreme cruelty and the number of deaths, so they entered the list of the greatest murderers of all time. Below you can see some of these serial killers.

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quirky killers

They show a tendency to display unique quirks. They usually show the level of psychopathy of each of them. Over the years, psychiatrists and psychologists have pored over cases in an attempt to understand these minds. The findings are surprising and even fascinating to some.

Meet some of the criminals who most intrigued mind researchers.

Ed Kremper

He was also known as the "Co-ed Killer". If you've never heard of it, know that this is one of the most extreme cases of serial murder. Kremper stands out for favoring women who were university students during the 1970s. As a souvenir, the man kept several things. What is most striking is that, for a long time, he kept his mother's head – which he himself decapitated – with him.

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Joel Rifkin

This is another example of a criminal who preferred to kill women. Joel Rifkin lived on Long Island during the 1990s and was responsible for the cold-blooded murder of over nine women, but claimed a total of 17 victims. After capturing him, the police found these people's underwear in his apartment.

Dennis Nilsen

Another macabre example of a serial killer is the British Dennis Nilsen, who was responsible for killing vulnerable boys. Nielsen would lure these young men to his apartment, kill them and then bathe the bodies, then dress them up to sexually assault them. He kept body parts of his victims as a "souvenir".

Jeffrey Dahmer

Like Nielsen, Dahmer killed and murdered vulnerable boys after seducing them. It operated from 1978 until 1991 and killed at least 17 men. of your victims, Dahmer also used to store body parts in acetone jars so he could have access to them whenever he wanted.

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