In the zodiac, there are opposite signs that complement each other; Do you know what they are?

In astrology, opposites can attract in a complementary way. Some signs can teach others and also learn from them. Therefore, we present a list of signs that complement each other.

Each sign has a strong characteristic and can help build your opposite sign.

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Check out the list of opposite signs that can complement each other below:

1 – Aries x Libra

Aryans have as their main characteristic, acting on impulse, being more direct and valuing their individuality. Libras, on the other hand, always think about how their actions will impact others. Thus, one tends to learn from the other! Libras learn to impose themselves more and Aryans to think about others.

2 – Taurus x Scorpio

Taurus people are strongly linked to material goods, food and, consequently, their relationship with money. Scorpio people are connected with immateriality and attachment to absence. Thus, both can help each other, one learns to be less possessive and the other to understand the importance of not getting attached to what is missing.

3 – Gemini x Sagittarius

Geminis have a hard time staying focused on one thing, they want to learn and do different things at the same time. Sagittarians are focused on a single goal, which also makes it difficult for them to absorb new ideas. Called the “axis of the mind”, the relationship of these signs allows new experiences to be obtained.

4 – Cancer x Capricorn

If Cancerians have a strong connection with affective relationships, Capricorns seek their independence in a more rational way. The relationship of these opposite signs is called the “security axis”, in which they seek stability in different ways and can learn a little more about it mutually.

5 – Leo x Aquarius

Protagonist of their lives and the center of attention in their cycles, Leos are very different from Aquarians. The Aquarius sign is characterized by understanding the top, the collective, and sees people in the world as a complement. The Leo man can help the Aquarius man to value himself more, while he learns to see the other more.

6 – Virgo X Pisces

One of the most self-critical signs, Virgos seek to improve and dedicate themselves to having a better future. The Pisces sign has a greater focus on dreams. Virgos can learn to be empathetic and Pisces to be more grounded.

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