See which documents are required to receive the Brazil Aid

O Brazil Aid it is an extremely important benefit for the monthly income of millions of Brazilians, being destined to more than 18 million people. To receive it, it is necessary to fill in some requirements that may confuse some people, such as being in a specific condition of social/financial vulnerability.

In addition, when presenting yourself to the responsible bodies, some doubts may arise about the documentation required to receive Brazil Aid.

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First of all, it is important to understand that, in order to receive the Auxílio Brasil, it is necessary to live in conditions of extreme poverty, with a family income of up to BRL 105 per individual, or in poverty, with a family income of up to BRL 210 per individual, with a pregnant woman, nursing mother or under 21 years old in House. In addition, the Single Registration for Social Programs (CadÚnico) must be completed.

When registering and fulfilling the necessary requirements, it is essential to keep the data always up to date. Recently, after finding a series of inaccuracies among the information registered at the Ministry of Citizenship, the accounts of millions of Brazilians were blocked, preventing the payment of the benefit.

Therefore, whenever there is any change in the family, either with the death of someone or the birth of a new member, it is necessary to inform the CRAS.

required documents

The head of household must be at least 16 years old and present the following documents:

  • CPF or Voter Title;
  • Identity document for each family member, such as RG, birth certificate, CPF or work card.

In the case of indigenous or quilombola families, the Indigenous Administrative Birth Certificate (RANI) is sufficient.

The program also has different modalities, in which payments can be made to encourage the entry of rural and urban workers into the labor market, sports scholarship, etc. In these cases, the values ​​can vary greatly according to the modality, so it is important to look carefully at the details of each one.

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