Immerse yourself in the world of 'lucid dreaming' and its relationship with virtual reality

Lucid dreams they concern the process of being able to consciously control what happens during dreams and to know that one is dreaming. In this sense, would it be possible to say that there is a relationship between dreams and the virtual reality provided by the mind itself?

Mind is a powerful virtual reality compared to technological tools

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Virtual reality is created through technological devices. However, our mind can be an even more powerful tool to provide the necessary immersion in lucid dreams, which occur when we are able to control the direction taken by the dream.

With the freedom of dreams, there are no barriers, just as there is no control over physical space or movement capacity. In this way, the virtual reality provided by the mind is even more powerful.

The thesis is defended by Joakim Vindenes, a doctoral student at the University of Bergen, Norway. For him, lucid dreams are similar to virtual reality, but they are even better because they allow expressing desires and controlling the body.

Thus, the mind can become a perfect and intense virtual environment, without the limitations imposed by virtual reality technology, such as the lack of a wide field of view.

Joakim Vindenes' speech finds support in reality, as in science fiction film productions that place the human mind at the center of debates to solve crimes or provide a cure for some disease, as in A Origin.

What is real or virtual?

This interaction between dreams and virtual reality, whether in the field of science or cinematographic productions, makes room for discussing what is real or virtual.

This is because, in recent years, the internet has increasingly become a space in which we connect and access. Nowadays, having access to the internet is the norm for many people in society.

Thus, it is possible to say that the human experience currently happens, to a large extent, online. Therefore, being online is no longer an option, but a necessity. The trend now is for all of us to be online.

In this way, virtual reality and artificial intelligence tools can become a bridge for more and more people to access their own dreams and thoughts. Can you imagine what it would be like to project your dreams and wishes virtually, while awake?

How to have a lucid dream?

Having a lucid dream means being aware that you are dreaming while still in the dream. This allows you to control the dream and explore the dream world more vividly and creatively. Here are some tips to increase your chances of having a lucid dream:

  • Keep a dream journal: Waking up, write down your dreams in detail. This helps improve dream recall and recognize patterns that may indicate you are dreaming.
  • Do reality checks: During the day, practice reality checks like trying to push your fingers through your palm or trying to read a text and then look at it again. If you do this often, you'll start doing reality checks on dreams too.
  • Set an intention: Before going to sleep, repeat to yourself that you want to lucid dream and that you will recognize when you are dreaming.
  • MILD technique (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams): As you go to bed, remember a recent dream and imagine yourself in it, realizing you are dreaming and becoming lucid.
  • WILD Technique (Wake-up Lucid Dreaming Induction): Waking up a few hours earlier than usual and staying awake for a short period (about 15-45 minutes) before going back to sleep can increase the likelihood of lucid dreaming.
  • WBTB (Wake Back to Bed) Technique: Similar to WILD, wake up after about 4-6 hours of sleep and focus on having a lucid dream before going back to sleep.
  • Pay attention to dream signs: When you're dreaming, watch for unusual or impossible things that might indicate you're dreaming.
  • Keep a regular sleep schedule: Stabilizing your sleep schedule and making sure you get enough sleep will increase the chances of lucid dreaming.
  • Practice meditation: Meditation can help increase awareness and focus, which can lead to an increased likelihood of lucid dreaming.
  • Try Supplements: Some substances, such as vitamin B6, can increase the likelihood of lucid dreaming. However, it is important to research and consult a doctor before trying any supplement.

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