Parti costitutive di a testo. Essential parts of an Italian text

Prima di conoscere i diversi principle costitutivi di a testo, if we must prima capire the meaning of the parola text, sullo sguardo della linguistica. Osserve! / Before knowing the different constitutive principles of a text, one must first understand the meaning of the word text, from the perspective of linguistics. Watch!

Meaning: / Meanings:

* "Messaggio verbale, orale, written or in qualsiasi altro mode transmesso, prodotto da un determinato emittertente in una determinata situazione and acquisitive il suo specific meaning sulla base di tali fattori: linguistica, struttura, analisi del testo e il suo I object." / Verbal, oral, written or any other mode of transmission, produced by a specific sender in a given situation that acquires its specific meaning based on factors such as: linguistic, structure, text analysis and its context.

*Information taken from the Dizionario Sabatini-Coletti.

** “A text is, in a proper and specific sense, a messaggio che, svolgendosi around a single theme, presents the caratteri dell'unità and della completezza. Ciò avviene in rapporto a chi produce (issuer) and a chi riceve (ricevente) il testo.”

/ A text is, in the proper and specific sense, a message that, developing around a single theme, presents characters of unity and completeness. This happens in relation to who produces (sender) and who receives (receiver) the text.

**Information taken from Grammatica Italiana con nozioni di linguistica – Maurizio Dardano & Pietro Trifone.

Sew sono le parti essenziali o i principi costitutivi di un testo? / What are the essential parts or constitutive principles of a text?

For a test that is chiaro, ossia, that it can be understood and that the messagggio loro is effective as far as communication is concerned, it is important che possieda al minimum 07 principi costitutivi come: coesione, coerenza, intentionalità, accettabilità, informatività, situazionalità and intertestualità. / For a text to be clear, that is, for it to be understandable and for its message to be effective when it comes to communication, it is important that has at least 07 constitutive principles such as: cohesion, coherence, intentionality, acceptability, informativeness, situationality and intertextuality.

In the south of the theme, there is a moment to the meaning of almeno 03 principi come: la coesione, la coerenza and l'intenzionalità attraverso lo sguardo della linguistica. Vedili!/ On this topic, you will now see the meaning of at least 03 principles such as: cohesion, coherence and intentionality through the eyes of linguistics. See them!

La cohesion / Cohesion

When I say that a text is cohesive, it means that it has a good grammatical rapport, including the sentence, the period and the paragraph. If you benefit from the cohesion, the different phrases yield the testo più leggero, così avoiding the ripetizioni di parole, ma anche perché permette the maintenance dell’argomento. / When they say that a text is cohesive, it means that it has a good grammatical relationship between sentences, periods and paragraphs. It is well known that it is the cohesion between the different sentences that makes the text lighter, thus avoiding the repetition of words, but also because it allows the maintenance of the theme.

Puntata! / Tip!

It is possible to access the site: "Elementi coesivi di a testo”. / You can access the text: “Elementi coesivi di un testo” on the website.

The coherence / The coherence

When I say that a text has coherence, it means that it is possible for the collegamento tra i contenti che sono al testo, ossia, the coerenza gives continuity to the affronta idee, pensieri and riflessioni in un messaggio qualsiasi. If it is possible, this principle is expressed through the relazioni of time, cause ecc., ed is molto Last with us the principle of the coherence as the principle of the semantic continuity or the continuity of sense testule. / When they say that a text has coherence, it means that it has a good connection between the contents that are in the text, that is, coherence continues or confronts ideas, thoughts and reflections in a message any. It can also be said that this principle is expressed through the relationships of time, cause, etc., and it is often known as the principle of semantic continuity or continuity of meaning. textual.

L’intenzionalità / The intentionality

The intention of a text is davvero, the agreement of the issuer in producing a written text or her volontà in transmettere a messaggio parlato qualsiasi. Si può dire che this principle means la voglia del parlante (issuer) in farsi capire da un ricevente. Obviously, all the transmission is related to non-sound so as to cohesiveness and coherence, but what matters is whether the communication comes with fatta and whether it is entitled to the messaggio of the captain. / The intentionality of a text is, in fact, the sender's attitude to produce a written text or his willingness to transmit any spoken message. This principle can be said to mean the speaker's (sender) desire to be understood by a receiver. Obviously, in spoken transmission there are not many signs of cohesion and coherence, but what matters is whether the communication was made and whether the recipient of the message understood it.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Source: Brazil School -

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