Learn the proper calibration for your car

Your car's tires should be calibrated weekly with the proper calibration so that there is no damage to the car and driver. This is because calibrating is a safety act, which can prevent accidents of loss of control, as the car is susceptible to skidding.

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Also, inflating the tires will make them last much longer and will also help you save on gasoline, which is expensive these days. However, many drivers do not know the exact calibration for their car, and this depends on the model of your car and its characteristics. But let's help you with this doubt! For exact calibration, read on.

How do I know what calibration my car is in?

This question is very easy to answer, because as soon as you buy a car, you already know the calibration. I did not know that? So know now that most cars contain an exact calibration that is reported on the

Owner's manual. Including, in this manual you will find several other valuable information about the maintenance of your car, avoiding a lot of stress!

But if you can't find your car's tire pressure in the Owner's Manual, there's another way to check. This is because some vehicles have the ideal calibration on the inside side of the driver's door, and possibly the passenger's as well. If you cannot find the exact calibration, contact your dealer.

And, don't forget, the car's spare tire must also be calibrated. For your safety, always inflate it with 5 psi more than the other tires.

Tips for proper calibration

In addition to knowing the exact amount you should calibrate, you'll also want to pay attention to whether you're calibrating correctly. For this, we selected some tips that will save you when calibrating and provide a more efficient calibration. For example, remember to always calibrate the tires according to the weight the car is carrying. Usually this information is also included in the Owner's Manual.

Afterwards, always do the calibration with cold tires, at the beginning of the day, before running your car a lot. That way, you will prevent the hot air in the tire from damaging the calibration. And finally, calibrate every week.

Thus, following all these tips, your car will always be properly calibrated!

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