4 Possible themes for the ENEM essay

* The theme of the Enem 2021 newsroom has just been released, as follows: “Invisibility and civil registration: guarantee of access to citizenship in Brazil”. To know more Click here.


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O National High School Exam (ENEM) was instituted in 1998, with the objective of evaluating the school performance of students at the end of basic education. Then, in 2009, the exam changed its methodology and became one of the most important tests in Brazil for giving entrance to Higher Education.

The exam is applied in all Brazilian territories and your grades can be used to gain access to the Unified Selection System (Sisu) and the University for All Program (ProUni).

ENEM is accepted in more than 50 higher education institutions in Portugal. In addition, low-income people can use student loans in government programs, such as the Student Financing Fund (Fies).

Anyone who has completed high school can take the ENEM test. Participants who have not yet completed high school can participate as “trainers”.

What falls in the ENEM?

The test is divided into four areas of knowledge: languages, codes and their technologies; human sciences and their technologies; natural sciences and their technologies; and mathematics and its technologies.

Therefore, the subjects are of general knowledge, the application of the AND EITHER takes place over two days and the test contains about 180 objective questions.

Then, the participants are also evaluated through an essay, which requires the development of an argumentative-dissertation text based on a problem situation.

ENEM essay

Enem is a national issue and its speculations about what will be the theme of the year is a concern for many people.

Writing is often decisive for the final score of candidates wishing to enter Higher Education. So, every year ENEM has its essay theme disclosed only on the day of the test, the essay has support materials, such as scientific research, news and illustrations on the subject.

See the possible topics of the ENEM essay.

Therefore, check below the main suspicions to be the subject of the ENEM 2021 essay.

  • Food Insecurity

First, the theme refers to the lack of availability and access to food;

  • truancy

The theme refers to the large data on school dropouts in 2020;

  • Water Crisis

The topic refers to the severe lack of rainfall, making access to drinking water even more difficult;

  • Domestic violence

Finally, due to the pandemic, high rates of harassment and domestic violence in Brazil are growing every day. Therefore, you have a great chance of falling in ENEM.

So, now that you already know the possible topics for the ENEM essay, start preparing your repertoire based on the skills of a top-notch essay.

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