Follow these recommendations to help manage diabetes

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Thousands of people around the world are diagnosed with diabetes every year. This disease is related to the blood glucose levels of patients, and can arise due to genetic factors or due to a diet with excess carbohydrates.

To help those diagnosed with the disease, we have separated some tips on how to take care of diabetes through simple but very effective measures. Check out!

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The feeding

First of all, it is necessary for the person who received the diagnosis to consult with the doctor to find out what type of diabetes they have. In Brazil, type 2 diabetes is more common, which is more closely related to diet and therefore also involves a change in eating habits for its treatment.

For these patients, the most important thing is that there is a regulation of the glucose level in the blood through the diet. And contrary to what many think, that doesn't just mean removing everyday sweets. Because, although it is essential to avoid sugar, all types of carbohydrates are harmful for diabetics, given that in our body carbohydrates become sugar.

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For example, foods based on white wheat flour cannot be consumed in excess by diabetics. With that, bread, pasta and other types of food need to get out of these people's routine. Alternatively, it is possible to include more fruits, in moderation, or also breads and wholemeal pasta. In this case, it may be that foods in whole format have a similar carbohydrate content, but the presence of fiber will stimulate the digestion of these carbohydrates more easily.

Who needs to use blood glucose?

A common mistake in people's imagination is to attribute the use of insulin to all diabetics. In fact, only those with type 1 diabetes need to use this, as the pancreas stops producing it naturally.

Thus, these are the patients who need insulin replacement to keep their health up to date. However, the diet for diabetics is also necessary in these cases, but always with medical supervision. In addition, the measurement of blood glucose levels should happen whenever possible, so that the patient can monitor the development of the disease. In the same way, periodic examinations are essential to map the effects of diabetes on the human body.
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