Teenager fined for wearing multiple shirts and circumventing bag restrictions

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The challenge of dealing with baggage restrictions continues to plague travelers, prompting them to look for creative ways to avoid the excess fees imposed by airlines.

But not all attempts have the expected result. Recently, in Australia, a teenage girl was fined by low-cost carrier Jetstar after trying to circumvent the rules by wearing 30 pounds of extra clothing. This strategy, however, was unsuccessful and ended up costing the young man a financial debt.

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Adriana Ocampo, a 19-year-old teenager, was caught in several layers of clothing in a video posted online after receiving a notification that she would be fined $62 USD for being overweight in her luggage while traveling from Melbourne to Adelaide, her her hometown.

When speaking with the South West News Service, Adriana compared herself to a bear during an attempt to get around the situation. She was returning from a trip with a friend when she experienced the problem.

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Teenager tried to deflect the problem, but was fined

Adriana Ocampo mentioned that, given her physical dimensions, she looked like the opposite of what she was, when referring to her attempt to get around her excess luggage weight.

She and her friend spotted airline workers pushing a cart with a scale as they prepared to board. To reduce the weight of their bags, they decided to add extra jackets and coats.

Photo: Reproduction / Kennedy News & Media

In addition, Adriana used wide pants to accommodate shirts and her iPad in the pockets. In all, she estimates that she wore approximately six layers of clothing and carried extra items in her pockets.

Adriana Ocampo expressed embarrassment when sharing that everyone in line was watching and laughing at them, making the situation somewhat awkward. She acknowledged that people were frustrated with them for delaying boarding the plane.

Unfortunately, all attempts to put on extra clothes of clothing were in vain, as the excess baggage fee still had to be paid.

In response to the incident, a spokesperson for jetstar, the airline, presented to the The Independent that, although it could recognize the attractive aspect of the situation, the airline needs to follow limits to guarantee fairness among passengers.

The spokesperson emphasized the importance of monitoring the amount of luggage that passengers take on board, the in order to ensure adequate space for all belongings and to comply with company safety requirements aerial.

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