Increase in the liter of gasoline: Price can reach R$ 10

The moments of tension experienced by Russia-Ukraine are shaking the world. We are experiencing a dramatic moment for the entire planet, as there is the possibility of a eventual conflict in which the current military power can cause damage worse than that of the Second World War World. In addition, the present geopolitical issues put the world on alert, as well as the economic market, which is already starting to feel the effects.

In this context, the movements of tension between the Russian and American borders are already reflected in the market, and also in Brazil. Therefore, some experts already claim that the price of a liter of gasoline can cost R$ 10.

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See more at: Clash between Russia and Ukraine could lead to a 3rd World War

The interference of the conflict in the Brazilian market

As tensions mount, the possible chance of a serious conflict between Russia and Ukraine is already beginning to show some of its effects on a global scale. An example of this was on February 15, when Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to withdraw Russian troops from the Ukrainian border, signaling a diplomatic exit. On that date, the stock exchanges in Europe and New York returned to high levels.

This reflects the way in which this conflict directly reflects in the world, including in Brazil, the that interferes in the quotation of commodities such as gas, oil and energy, fundamental for the Brazilian.

Effects in Brazil

The price of commodities, the interference of the dollar and the pressure exerted on the consumer market for soybeans and fertilizers affect the Brazilian economic market. According to specialists, if the conflict happens, the supply of oil in Europe will be compromised.

In this context, the value of a barrel of oil will tend to rise in price, and may cost around US$ 100. In this way, a liter of gasoline in Brazil could cost up to R$ 10. Therefore, this sets off a warning signal for Brazilian consumers, as the increase in fuel costs is felt throughout the market.

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