Greater thermal sensation is registered in Rio de Janeiro since 2009

Last Saturday (4), Rio de Janeiro recorded temperature records. It was exactly 41.1°C, at 3:45 pm, in Santa Cruz, west of the capital, and a thermal sensation, with 58°C, at 3 pm, in the same neighborhood. The thermal sensation was the highest since 2009, when the measurement began to be made by Alerta Rio. Know more!

The thermal sensation is a variable that measures the temperature that the human body is feeling in general. It may differ from the actual temperature and varies from person to person. According to meteorologist Cristiane Nascimento, from Alerta Rio:

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“It's not a real variable. It is calculated by an empirical formula, that is, through observations. The thermal sensation disclosed and registered by meteorological agencies is calculated by measurements of meteorological variables”.

The forecast for today (6) and tomorrow (7) is that the weather in the city of Rio will continue to be influenced by areas of instability. Thus, the forecast is for isolated rain showers in the afternoon and evening of today and at any time on Tuesday.

According to numerical weather forecast models, today (6) will have an average of up to 15 mm of rain. On Tuesday (7) it will be 20 mm. According to Alerta Rio, on Wednesday (8), the weather in the Rio de Janeiro capital will be influenced mainly by humid winds from the sea. The forecast is for light to moderate rain anytime. Still according to numerical weather forecast models, the average rainfall will be 15 mm. On Thursday (9), the forecast is for light to moderate rain in the afternoon and evening.

temperature records

The highest temperatures this summer were:

  • 41.1 degrees, registered on Friday (4);
  • 40.3 degrees on January 15th;
  • 39.6 degrees on the 31st of January.

The greatest thermal sensations observed at Alerta Rio stations this summer occurred:

  • Saturday (4), with 58 degrees;
  • January 15th (54 degrees);
  • January 14th (51.1 degrees).

Guidelines in case of rain showers

In case of rain showers, Alerta Rio makes some recommendations. Are they:

  • Stay in a safe place and avoid areas with flooding;
  • Do not walk in flooded areas;
  • Do not stay close to the edge of streams and rivers;
  • Do not force cars to pass through flooded roads;
  • Stay away from trees, open terrain and metal roofs;
  • Avoid going under electrical cables, billboards, scaffolding, stairs;
  • Do not remain in pools, rivers and lakes;
  • Be aware if there is a lack of light, to prevent the use of candles from causing fires.

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