L’infinito: present and past

Meaning: / Meaning: * "Infinite mode, private verbal form of determination of person and number, which expresses astrattamente intensely."/ Infinitive mode, verbal form free of determination of person and number, which expresses action understood in an abstract way.

* Definition taken from the Dizionario Italiano Sabatini – Coletti edits dalla Casa Editrice Giunti.

In the infinite mode there is a characteristic feature of the note. See! / Infinitive mode has some features to pay attention to. Look!

 Ha differenti usi/ Has different uses

 Ha solo due tempi: present and past / It only has two tenses: present and past

 Non si coniuga come gli altri tempi verbali in base alle persone/ It does not conjugate like other verb tenses that take into account the persons in the speech.

 Present infinitive: / The present infinitive:

Ci sono all’infinito present verbi regolari and irregolari. Allora, come si può to identifyli? Serve the table! / There are regular and irregular verbs in the present infinitive. So how can you identify them? Look at the table!

L'infinito present regolare finisce in:

-ARE (mangiare, buy ecc.)

-ERE (sell, see ecc.)

-IRE (depart, venire ecc.)

L'infinito present irregolare finisce in:

- ARRE (trarre, potrarre ecc.)

- ORRE (opporre, propose ecc.)

- HOWL (drive, produce ecc.)

It is worth the direct che i verbi irregolari all’infinito present sono pochi, però if it renders important always have a good dictionary. / It is worth saying that there are few irregular verbs in the present infinitive, but it is always important to have a good dictionary.

See the phrases:/ See the phrases:

1) Anna mi ha detto che she voleva mangiare cousin of Andesene./ Anna told me she wanted to eat before she left.

2) Non puoi propose una situazione com questa. / You cannot propose a situation like this.

3) Voglio sell the house. / I want to sell the house.

4) How can I tore un argomento come questo a mia madre if she non saniente?/ How can I bring a subject like this to my mother if she doesn't know anything?

5) I can drive la risonione al tuo post. / I can conduct the meeting in your place.

 L'infinito passato: / The past infinitive:

It is important to keep track of the passing time if bisogna avere: present di ESSERE o AVERE + participio passato del verb./It is important to note that to form the past tense you need to have: present of ‘ESSERE’ or ‘AVERE’ + participle of the verb.

Vedi gli esempi: / See the examples:

• Sell - avere venduto

• Floor - this is still

• Produce – avere product

• Mangiare - avere mangiato ecc.

Vedi le frasi: / See the sentences:

1) Sleep on the go to the cinema, dopo aver mangiato./ I went to the cinema after eating.

2) Anna is always whining dopo venduto la casa./ Anna is always crying after she sold the house.

3) My sorella is content for aver product la gioa di mia madre. / My sister is glad to have produced my mother's joy.

4) Dopo this is still to Rome, Paolo è Torneto finccanaso./ After having gone to Rome, Paolo got back into it.

Osservassioni: / Observations:

 By reason of the pronunciation, the ‘and of the verb AVERE non si scrive ( aver fatto, aver mangiato ecc.)/ For reasons of pronunciation, the e of the verb ‘AVERE’ is not written (aver fatto – to have done, aver mangiato – to have eaten).

 In the passing tense I verbi che hanno the verb ‘essere’ all the formazione, I must agree on the passato participle in genero (femminile or maschile) and in numero (singular or plural). / In past tense, the verbs that have the verb essere’ in the formation, must agree the past participle in gender (female or masculine) and in number (singular or plural).

 Important to serve as verbi all verinfinite present che sono preceduti dalla negazione ‘non’, I can ottenere the imperative value (non ridere, non piangere, non dimenticarlo ecc.)/ It is important to note that verbs in the present infinitive that are preceded by the negation 'no' can take on the imperative value (don't laugh, don't cry, don't forget it, etc.).

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/linfinito-presente-passato.htm

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