Auction held by Aneel promises to generate 31,697 direct job openings

Aneel (National Electric Energy Agency) held this Thursday, June 30, an auction to be able to build, operate and carry out the maintenance of 5,425 kilometers of transmission lines and 6,180 megavolt-amperes (MVA) in transformation capacity in energy.

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As the auction is divided into 13 lots, it is expected that R$ 15.3 billion will be invested in the generation of 31,697 direct jobs in 13 states of Brazil: Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará and Rondônia.

The energy installations are part of the Investment Partnerships Program (PPI) of the Presidency of the Republic. The auction winners will have to complete the works between 42 and 60 months, counting from the moment the contracts were signed. As for the terms of the concession of the lines, it will be 30 years.

Camila Bonfim, deputy general director of Aneel, informed that the success of the auction was only possible because there is an environment that offers security and is quite attractive for investments in the sector, which was built over the years with structured governance, legal security, stability and predictability regulatory. “We work with regulations that create incentives for competition and innovation to ensure quality service and fair rates. We will continue with this purpose that has generated a lot of results in the success of energy transmission auctions”, she informed.

As for the deputy secretary of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, José Roberto Bueno Júnior, the works that were released will contribute in a very relevant, promoting adequate supply to energy consumers in the country, always aligned with the search for the tariff deficit and indicating new solutions for expansion.

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