Learn how to store bananas in the fridge so they last longer

Banana is one of the most popular fruits in Brazil and is on the table of all Brazilians, in addition to being a super healthy food. For example, its high potassium content is very beneficial for the health of the cardiovascular system. However, to reap all these incredible benefits, it is important to preserve the fruit properly in your home. Learn now how to properly store bananas in the fridge.

Read more: Benefits of Banana: Fruit combats diseases such as anemia

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Properly storing bananas in the refrigerator can prevent such foods from being discarded prematurely. After all, after a few days, they start to turn black and full of mosquitoes, indicating that they are overripe.

How to properly store bananas in the fridge?

Banana is a versatile fruit that can be eaten raw, baked, fried, in desserts, smoothies and even snacks. In addition, it is rich in nutrients that provide satiety. However, the challenge is to keep them in good condition for longer.

The initial step is very important, which is knowing how to choose the best fruit options on the market or at the fair. So, know that preference should be given to yellower curls that are not so mature (take the less dark ones). Ripe bananas begin to darken and show cracks in the skin.

At home, separate the already ripe fruit and store it in the refrigerator so that it does not fall from the stem. If necessary, split the stem in half, but keep the banana attached. The ideal is to keep the fruits in the vegetable and fruit drawer, away from the coldest part of the refrigerator. If you have paper towels or old newspaper, wrap the bananas before placing them in the fridge.

Extra tip: How to make bananas not darken in the freezer?

  • First, slice the bananas however you like (but not too thin or small);
  • Then pour some lemon juice, as this is the only way they will not become dark;
  • Put it in a container and take it to the freezer still open so that they firm up well;
  • Finally, put it in a specific plastic bag.
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