Sertões International Rally. Sertões International Rally History

Sertões International Rally had its first edition in 1991, with the name of Rally São Francisco. The race, organized especially for motorcyclists, was designed by architect Chico Moraes, with a route from the city of Ribeirão Preto, in the state of São Paulo, to Maceió, in the state of Alagoas.

This first experience had a direct influence on the idealization of the second event which, already named Rally dos Sertões, presented a route linking Campos do Jordão, in the state of São Paulo, to the city of Natal, in the state of Rio Grande do North. A total of 3400 kilometers were covered by 34 participants. In 1994, the Sertões International Rally modified the race course, reaching a total of 4,500 kilometers, but kept its arrival in the city of Natal.

The success of the previous races made the Sertões International Rally an international race: it became the Sertões International Rally, with the participation of important competitors from around the world. In addition, the race held in 1995 began to accept the automobile modality, further increasing the visibility of the competition.


1993: Campos do Jordão (SP), Itajubá (MG), Belo Horizonte (MG), Januária (MG), Bom Jesus da Lapa (BA), Barra (BA), Petrolina (PE), Caicó (RN), Natal ( RN);

1994: São Paulo (SP), Itajubá (MG), Ouro Preto (MG), Diamantina (MG), Montes Claros (MG), Bom Jesus da Lapa (BA), Xique-Xique (BA), Petrolina (PE), Juazeiro do Norte (CE), Mossoró (RN), Natal (RN);

1995: São Paulo (SP), São José dos Campos (SP), Juiz de Fora (MG), Diamantina (MG), Taiobeiras (MG), Lençóis (BA), Petrolina (PE), Serra Talhada (PE), João Pessoa (PB), Natal (RN);

1996: São Paulo (SP), Petrópolis (RJ), Diamantina (MG), Taiobeiras (MG), Lençóis (BA), Barra (BA), São Raimundo Nonato (PI), Teresina (PI), Fortaleza (CE);

1997: São Paulo (SP), Varginha (MG), Belo Horizonte (MG), Montes Claros (MG), Alto Paraíso de Goiás (GO), Barreiras (BA), Petrolina (PE), Garanhuns (PE), Port of Chickens (PE), Natal (RN);

1998: São Paulo (SP), Uberlândia (MG), Goiânia (GO), Paranã (TO), Palmas (TO), Carolina (MA), Teresina (PI), Parnaíba (PI), Fortaleza (CE), Natal ( RN);

1999: São Paulo (SP), Cássia (MG), Patos de Minas (MG), Brasília (DF), Gurupi (TO), Palmas (TO), Carolina (MA), Teresina (PI), Parnaíba (PI), Fortaleza (CE);

2000: São Paulo (SP), Alfenas (MG), Pirapora (MG), Unaí (MG), Alto Paraíso de Goiás (GO), Gurupi (TO), Palmas (TO), Alto Parnaíba (MA), Floriano (PI ), Quixadá (CE), Fortaleza (CE);

2001: São Paulo (SP), Franca (SP), Patos de Minas (MG), Uraí (MG), Alto Paraíso de Goiás (GO), Natividade (TO), Ponte Alta do Tocantins (TO), São Félix do Jalapão (TO), Carolina (MA), Barra do Corda (MA), Teresina (PI), Quixadá (CE), Fortaleza (EC);

2002: Goiânia (GO), Pirenópolis (GO), Caldas Novas (GO), Diamantina (MG), Janaúba (MG), Bom Jesus da Lapa (BA), Xique-Xique (BA), Floriano (PI), Crateús ( CE), Fortaleza (CE);

2003: Goiânia (GO), Padre Bernardo (GO), Porangatu (GO), Palmas (TO), Colinas do Tocantins (TO), Araguaína (TO), Carolina (MA), Barra do Corda (MA), Barreirinhas (MA) ), São Luís (MA);

2004: Goiânia (GO), Aruanã (GO), Porangatu (GO), Palmas (TO), Araguaína (TO), Imperatriz (MA), Bacabal (MA), Barreirinhas (MA), Ubajara (CE), Fortaleza (CE );

2005: Brasília (DF), Goiânia (GO), Aruanã (GO), São Félix do Araguaia (MT), Santana do Araguaia (PA), Palmas (TO), São Félix do Jalapão (TO), Natividade (TO), Cavalcante (GO), Father Bernardo (GO);

2006: Goiânia (GO), Minaçu (GO), Palmas (TO), Alto Parnaíba (MA), Current (PI), Barra (BA), Seabra (BA), Brumado (BA), Cândido Sales (BA), Porto Insurance (BA);

2007: Goiânia (GO), Minaçu (GO), Palmas (TO), Alto Parnaíba (MA), São Raimundo Nonato (PI), Barra (BA), Lençóis (BA), Senhor do Bonfim (BA), Aracaju (SE ), Salvador BA);

2008: Goiânia (GO), Santa Helena/Rio Verde (GO), Aruanã (GO), Niquelândia (GO), Porangatu (GO), Paranã (TO), Palmas (TO), Balsas (MA), Floriano (PI), Cratéus (CE), Mossoró (RN), Natal (RN).

By Paula Rondinelli
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Physical Education from the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP
Master in Motricity Sciences from the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP
PhD student in Latin American Integration at the University of São Paulo - USP

Source: Brazil School -

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