Those who practice bullying also need help; understand

O bullying it is deliberately aggressive and unmotivated behavior that is repeated over time. This act is often understood as a joke or provocation and goes unnoticed in schools and workplaces. However, it is important to focus on both parties, both the victim and the bully, who also need help.

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The traits of the abuser's behavior

These people often have the power to dominate others and threaten them to get what they want. Children tend to bully younger ones and often brag about their superiority over others.

In addition, people who practice bullying tend to have more difficulty following rules, have the habit of telling lies and behave stubbornly with adults or with any other type of authority.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand these behaviors and actions, explain why this is not true, teach the people to put themselves in the shoes of others, express their feelings and emotions and respect differences. It is important to have an intervention, always.

The main consequences of bullying for those involved

psychological disorders

All the characteristics of extreme fear, isolation, and humiliation are likely to have long-term effects on victims of bullying. As examples of this, there is low self-esteem, anxiety, insecurity, always being tense, panic attacks and depression.

On the other hand, those who practice bullying also need attention, as the bad behavior shown can be an extension of the aggression experienced in a more turbulent environment at home, without the presence and/or limits well defined. Generally, these young people are immature and need self-affirmation.


Coupled with the practitioners' problematic behavior, the victim may appear to be always on the defensive and display signs of stress and aggression toward others, including parents, teachers, and classmates work.

In addition, bullying contributes to a climate of anxiety and fear in the educational and family environment, shapes the victim's personality and can help pave the way for the development of a very aggressive and aggressive adult. unhappy.

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