Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel

Bavarian nobleman of the Saxe-Coburg family born in Bosenau, near Coburg, Bavaria, Germany, prince consort of the famous Queen Victoria. Descended from an ancient Saxony royal family, he was the second son of the hereditary Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Ernest I, and his first wife Louise of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, mother of Prince Albert. Motherless (1831) attended the University of Bonn and Brussels (1837-1838) when he met his cousin Victoria and whom he married (1840), both at the age of twenty, at St. James's Palace, London, England, in a marriage previously arranged and which in practice went extremely well. successful.

Four months later, in June, he made his first public speaking in English as president of the Anti-Slavery Society. In his university days he studied natural science, political economy and philosophy, and cultivated music, painting and gymnastic exercises. He then devoted much of his time supporting the arts in England and studying politics, until he was appointed as chancellor of Cambridge University (1847), where he adopted new ideas in education at Cambridge and later at Oxford.

As a German he never gained complete trust by a large portion of the British, especially during the Crimean War. With lung problems resulting from an attack of typhoid fever according to his doctors, he died on December 14th (1861), in the Blue Room at Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England, aged 42, the same room in which the Queen's uncles George IV and William IV had died, and was buried in Windsor, Berkshire, England. Other titles: Knight of the Garter, Duke of Saxony and Prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. The queen's affliction provoked the sympathy of the entire nation, which reversed the feeling of rejection of the prince when he was alive, and so several were built. monuments in his honor, such as the Albert Hall (1867) and the Albert Memorial (1876) in London, as well as commendations such as the Order of Victoria and Albert (1862) and the Albert Medal (1866).

Direct royal descent:
Victoria, Princess Royal (daughter: 11/21/1840 - 8/5/1901)
King Edward VII (son: 11/9/1841 - 5/6/1910)
Alice Saxe-Coburg (daughter: 4/25/1843 - 12/14/1878)
Alfred Saxe-Coburg, Duke of Edinburgh (son: 8/6/1844 - 7/30/1900)
Helena Saxe-Coburg (daughter: 5/25/1846 - 6/9/1923)
Louise Saxe-Coburg (daughter: 3/18/1848 - 12/3/1939)
Arthur Saxe-Coburg, Duke of Connaught (son: 1/5/1850 - 16/1/1942)
Leopold Saxe-Coburg, Duke of Albany (son: 4/7/1853 - 3/28/1884)
Beatrice Saxe-Coburg (daughter: 4/14/1857 - 10/26/1944)
Picture copied from the PORTRAIT GALERY / UTL website:

Order A - Biography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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