Inep offers free handouts for Encceja preparation

The National Examination for Certification of Youth and Adult Skills (Encceja) takes place on the 29th of August. Millions of students are expected to participate in this edition of the test. The program is aimed at people who did not complete their studies at the appropriate age. Through Encceja, citizens are able to obtain a primary and secondary education diploma as well.

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In all, according to the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), 1.6 million participants are confirmed. Test scores will be released on September 1st. The information is from the Brazil News Agency.

Initially, the exam was scheduled to take place on April 25 of this year. Due to the worsening health crisis caused by the pandemic, the tests were postponed.

Evidence from previous years can be checked

To all candidates preparing for the assessment, it is worth checking out the Inep website. Free handouts are available there, in addition to tests from previous years and the respective feedbacks.

The primary education completion certificate can be obtained after a two-stage assessment. The first, composed of natural sciences and mathematics, will be applied in the morning. The Portuguese language test, foreign language, arts, physical education, writing, history and geography, in the afternoon.

Please note that there is a minimum age requirement. To obtain this certification, you must be at least 15 years old on the day of the exam.

The high school leaving certificate can be obtained in the same way. In the morning, the test will have the disciplines of natural sciences and mathematics. While languages, writing and humanities take place in the afternoon. To take these tests, you must be at least 18 years old.

According to Inep, the opportunity is greater than just obtaining a certificate. The exam offers parameters for self-assessment. They can guide those enrolled in the continuity of training and placement in the job market.

It is worth mentioning that the Encceja results are also used as a national evaluation reference. It is possible, for example, that educational managers use this data to understand the educational scenario.

Thus, another objective is to prevent students from falling behind in training or even dropping out of school.

All information is available at:!/inicial

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