University Talent Award with applications open until February

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Students from public, private or military higher education institutions can now enroll for the Capes University Talent Award 2023, which are open until the 22nd of February. Initially, the Ministry of Education (MEC) reported that they would end on January 22, however, it was an error, already duly corrected by the MEC.

As it turns out, to be eligible for the award, you must have taken the Examination National High School (Enem) in 2021, as well as having effectively entered a higher education course in 2022. Another important factor is to prove regular enrollment at the higher education institution, be it public, private or military, in addition to having no debt with research funding agencies or with the company itself. Capes.

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After registration, the tests will consist of 80 objective questions about general knowledge, made on computers in established by Capes, with the aim of “recognizing the performance of students with a high degree of development of their skills cognitive”.

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The places where the tests will be applied will be announced from the 2nd of March, with the effective application on the 26th of the same month. Capes will make 24,000 places available for registration, which will be filled in the order of registration.

The award consists of a value of R$ 5 thousand, and the first thousand placed in the event will receive the amount. The results will be released in May, and the prizes must be paid by December of this year, according to the deadline stipulated by the institution.

Candidates eligible to receive the award must expressly express interest, within 60 days of publication of the final result. However, further calls may still be made for awards that have not been requested by duly approved applicants.

It is possible to check the announcement of the Capes Talento Universitário Award here. To sign up, just Accessthe website.

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