Manuel Palácios officially took office as president of Inep

Manuel Palácios officially became the president of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (inep) last Wednesday, February 1st. Inep is linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC), the body responsible for national assessments, statistics management, educational indications and management. Check out the article and learn more about the new minister.

What are the expectations for the new minister?

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The new advertisement brings a name responsible for educational public policies and it is a character who has already been present in the government in other positions in education.

This time, the name of Manuel Palácios was announced as president responsible for Inep. Camilo Santana, MEC minister, announced the name of Palácios when he took office. Now, officially, Inep has a new management.

Expectations for a new name in the body were expected, since Inep's responsibility concerns the entry of thousands of students into higher education. The agency organizes the Enem (National High School Examination) and Encceja (National Examination for the Certification of Youth and Adult Skills) tests. The trajectory of the new president of the institution demonstrates engagement


Check out the trajectory of Manuel Palácios.

Meet the new President of Inep

Palácios holds a degree in Communications Engineering from the Military Institute of Engineering and a PhD in Social Sciences from Iuperj (University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro). He has been a professor since 1991 at the Faculty of Education at the University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), as well as being director of the faculty between 1998 and 2002.

This is not the first time that Palácios has assumed a role in education in the country. In 2015 and 2016, he was appointed secretary of the Secretariat of Basic Education (SEB), interim secretary of the Secretariat of Higher Education (Sesu) at MEC. He assumed the position of Director of Higher Education Policy.

The last 20 years of the new president of Inep were marked by the publication of articles dedicated to public education in the country and the policies that involve education.

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