Inclusive education and social context: what is it and how is it done?

School education is endowed with complexities and is a space for debates. Every day, schools spread throughout Brazil receive thousands of students, among which each one has its particularities. Thinking about learning and including all differences is a debate that needs to be considered at all times.

For Teresa Mantoan, a professor at Unicamp (State University of Campinas), there is no distinction between an inclusive school and a regular school. For her, a specialist when it comes to educational inclusion, the main agenda for debate is about awareness of society as a whole. Building an inclusive school is, in fact, including everyone, whether they are disabled or not.

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In an interview given to Agência Brasil, last Wednesday (8), in celebration of International Women's Day, a teacher for over 60 years, Teresa states that she believes that educational knowledge is capable of making a professional evolve and understand the school space as something to be built.

Life experience and school learning

Many of the teachers take their practical experience within the school to their profession. Teresa, for example, says that she was a student who had no interest in learning at school during her childhood. When becoming a professional, the teacher's alternative was to choose to follow paths different from traditional teaching.

This learning difficulty and interest during childhood made her recognize the distance between the school subject and the students' experience.

When there is a distinction between learning and living, according to the teacher, learning is hampered. The current system, although lasting for years, follows a traditional path that limits the ability of the student.

Inclusive system, as guided by the PNE

Educational laws, in accordance with the National Education Plan (PNE), enable inclusive education for all children and adolescents. The PNE guarantees that, from 4 to 17 years old, even with special needs, all students must be enrolled in common classes.

The educational system, as the main responsible for inclusion, must ensure that all students have resources to learn even in the face of needs.

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