Visual challenge: How many squirrels can you find in 20 seconds?

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Central Park, located in New York, is full of animals, including squirrels. In this place, and in many others, they tend to disguise themselves in the trunks of trees due to their similar colors. That way, our challenge for the day follows the same principle, they are camouflaged and you have to find them! Through this, the IQ test can be done, show that it is possible to beat this test in less than 20 seconds!

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There are several squirrels to discover the location in the image

The park in the image is overcrowded with squirrels, which live freely among visitors and tourists. However, it is super difficult to count all the animals, as some are very well hidden. Thus, today we are in search of these animals present in this image. Are you prepared to find all, or most of them, in just 20 seconds? Turn on the stopwatch and don't waste any more time! Check out the image below to get started:

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Photo: Fresherslive

Do you remember what a squirrel looked like?

Perhaps, the reason that prevents you from finding the first squirrel is not remembering its shape. In this way, understand that they belong to a large family of rodent mammals, small and medium-sized, known as Sciuridae. In our country, on the other hand, they are known by different names, such as serelepe, caxinguelê, caxinxe, quatimirim, quatipuru, agutipuru or acutipuru.

challenge answer

And then? How many squirrels could you find? If there were more than 10 you are to be congratulated! If you found around 15 squirrels, your eye really is very trained, but if you managed to find 24 squirrels, you are certainly a master of visual challenges!

However, this challenge is actually very difficult, finding that many animals is quite hard work. So, it's okay not to be able to find all of these or none, we'll help you by providing their location in the image below:

IQ test.
Photo: Fresherslive

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