In Bahia, students and educators actively search for students outside of school

To prevent students from being left without registration, schools in Bahia are intensifying the active search process. One example is the Colégio Estadual de Tempo Integral Áureo Filho, in Ipecaetá, which uses WhatsApp messages, e-mails and calls on community radios, in addition to encouraging its own students to spread the message to their peers and relatives.

Simone Oliveira, director of the school, said that everyone is engaged in the mobilization to find students who have not yet enrolled. The school uses different strategies, such as WhatsApp messages, messages sent by colleagues and phone calls to parents who left contact in previous years. As the school is the only secondary school in the city, they do not refuse enrollment and make an effort to help in all cases.

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In order to ensure that no student is left out of school, the Secretary of Education of the State, Adélia Pinheiro, highlighted that the active search is taking place in all schools in the state network that still have enrollments open. Adélia stated that the network has the capacity to serve more than 1 million students in various modalities, although it already has more than 703 thousand enrollments. The state manager stressed the importance of partnerships with municipalities and social segments to achieve this goal and continued calling on mothers, fathers and guardians for this mission.

Enrollment in the state school system requires students, mothers, fathers or guardians to present student documents, including:

  • Identity Card (RG) or Civil Registry Certificate;
  • Physical Personnel Registration (CPF);
  • Proof of address;
  • Updated vaccination card;
  • Legible copy of the RG and CPF of the student's mother or legal guardian.

These documents must be presented at any unit of the state education network.

Rozani de Souza, pedagogical coordinator at Colégio Estadual de Tempo Integral Áureo Filho, informed that, despite the beginning of the year academic year took place on February 6th, students who enroll later will be able to make up for lost time in classes.

To this end, the school planned several actions, including workshops, tutoring and reading projects in opposite shifts to improve students' skills. The school has several spaces to serve part-time and full-time classes, in addition to other environments that will be used for recovery activities.

Partnership with UNICEF – Another strategy adopted by the SEC is the mobilization partnership with the United Nations Fund for a Infância (UNICEF) for municipalities to join the Busca Ativa Escolar Program, which can be accessed on the UNICEF website. School Active Search. Currently, 351 municipalities have already joined the said program. The initiative aims to sensitize local society, especially the most vulnerable communities, enabling every child and adolescent to have access to education.

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