Americanas, Tok&Stok and Marisa: companies learn from mistakes

The Americanas case was one of the most commented subjects at the beginning of the year, after all, the discovery of a financial gap of more than R$ 40 billion is frightening, isn't it? Unfortunately, other companies giants and recognized in the market may also experience financial difficulties in 2023.

The main reason for this is the basic Selic interest rate, which remains at a high level of 13.75% per year. What does that imply? It significantly raises the cost of debt.

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Tok&Stok and Marisa get involved in controversy

Tok&Stok recently defaulted on the lease of one of its warehouses.

The Brazilian furniture and decoration store locates a warehouse owned by a real estate fund in Extrema, Minas Gerais, but did not deposit the payment referring to the use of the development in January, which is now due in February.

A similar situation happened with Marisa, a Brazilian clothing retail chain, which announced that it had not received payment for the amounts for the month of January, which are also due this month.

It is worth mentioning that the reality of these companies is very different from the American ones, which face a more complicated economic scenario. Anyway, the list of companies with financial difficulties goes beyond those mentioned.

Selic Rate

This is a reference interest rate in Brazil, which is set by the country's Central Bank.

The name “Selic” means Special System for Settlement and Custody. The rate is used as a tool to control the inflation in Brazil and influences the interest charged by banks and financial institutions on loans, credit cards and savings accounts.

In recent years, low interest rates have enabled companies to raise debt with financing rates very low, however this rate has increased a lot in recent months, which made companies start paying fees much bigger. All this causes the size of the debt to only increase.

According to investors, this is the time to look at shares of more defensive companies, with high cash generation, good dividends and no leverage problems. Some very good stocks have never been priced as attractively as they are today.

This is the ideal time to buy shares in companies that make a profit, paying what they are really worth.

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