Learn how to make a delicious gourmet ice cream perfect for summer days

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Summer days are getting hotter. So, relief from the heat is needed. With that, learning how to make a delicious gourmet ice cream makes all the difference, since such a dessert will refresh the whole family. So, find out now how to execute this delicious gourmet ice cream recipe perfect for summer days. Keep reading!

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Delicious and super refreshing gourmet ice cream recipe

The average time to make a gourmet ice cream is about 2 hours. Also, it can yield up to 6 servings. Check out the ingredients needed to prepare this dessert below:


  • 200ml of natural water;
  • For this recipe, use whatever fruit you prefer.

Method of preparation

This recipe is super easy, practical and simple to make. See the correct execution below:

  1. To make your delicious gourmet ice cream, start by separating a blender. Done that, just beat all the ingredients until you realize the mixture is homogeneous.
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  2. After this simple process, just portion the “juice” into several bags suitable for ice cream.
  3. Finally, take the bags to the freezer and leave for about 3 hours.
  4. After that time, just remove from the freezer and serve for the whole family.

Tips for a perfect ice cream

The more concentrated the fruit juice becomes, the better it will be to consume when frozen. So, when it's time to eat, the ice cream is perfect and with an unparalleled flavor of the fruit you chose.

In addition, you can use whatever fruit you want, and you can even mix some. With that, just use your imagination and enjoy this wonderful recipe to cool off during hot summer days.

In addition, even because it requires few ingredients and is very easy and practical to make, this ice cream can become an extra source of income. Therefore, explore the varieties of flavor that this recipe can generate.


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