The National High School Exam (Enem) 2022 it will beapplied The leaveof next Sunday (13).In addition of exams of languages and human sciences, the students Pharaoh the examwritten,whatéOsingle exam subjective, The essay of the enem. will be present around of 3.4 million students,whathave five o'clock and half for to respond to all the questions.
Inphase End of preparation, thes studentsthey areencouragedTherevise yourtextswrittenduringO year and see examples of essays goodevaluated.
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Read more: Tips to avoid a zero score in the Enem essay and the most common mistakes
“I recommend what read O as many essays as possible because now it's really bad press O student for what do marathon [of writing]. To read to the essays note thousand It is an active study and more comfortable“, said the Portuguese language and writing teacher, Vinicius Oliveira, known as profinho.
Enem 2022 booklet is available online.She explain you criteria of correction and providesmodels of newsrooms that receivedgradesmaxims for assistantthe studentsTheifprepare for the exam.
How does the correction of Enem essays work?
The essays of And either they are corrected into five competencies, each from themOK 200 points: demonstrate proficiencyin modality writing formalof the languagePortuguese; to understand the proposal of essay It is usethe concepts of many differentareasof knowledge for elaborate the theme inside of the limits structural textdissertation argumentative in prose; to choose, list, structure It is to interpretdata, events, opinions and arguments in supportThe a point of View; to demonstrate understandingof the mechanisms linguistic essentialsthe constructionofargument; It isto create a proposal of intervention for the questionaddressed, in observanceto the rightshumans.
Each examrequires two proofreaders.ifallto thescoresof the tests differ in more of 100 points, or anypunctuation in proficiencyforbiggerwhat80, the wording will be corrected a third time. if the difference continue, the proof is punctuated for one panel of three teachers who give the note final at participants.
Be careful not to reset the wording
Inagreement with the edict of the Enem, the reasonswhatyoulead to reset the essay are the following:
- Completely escape the theme;
- Do not write the essay in the dissertation-argumentative model;
- Text with up to seven lines handwritten, any what whether the content, or extension of up to ten lines written in the system Braille;
- Blank writing sheet, even if there is any type of text on the draft sheet;
- Written text predominantly or entirely written in a foreign language;
- Signature, name, initials, surname, codename or initials outside the place duly designated for the signature of the participant;
- Unreadable text, where neither of the two proofreaders can read the text;
- Copy of text(s) from the proof of writing and/or of Journal in Questions without let there be at least eight production lines participant's own;
- Disconnected part of the proposed theme;
- numbers or signals graphics with no clear function anywhere of text or of the writing sheet.
Find out what were the themes of the essays of the last years
- And either 2009: O individual front à national ethics;
- Enem 2010: O work in the construction of human dignity;
- Enem 2011: To live networked at the XXI century: you Limits in between O public and O private;
- Enem 2012: the immigration movement for O Brazil at the century XXI;
- Enem 2013: Effects from the implantation from the Law Drought in Brazil;
- Enem 2014: Advertising childish in question in Brazil;
- Enem 2015: A persistence from the violence against The woman in Brazilian society;
- Enem 2016: Ways for fight The intolerance religious in Brazil is Ways for fight O racism in Brazil (In this year there was two applications regular of exam);
- Enem 2017:Challenges for educational background in deaf in Brazil;
- Enem 2018: Manipulation of behavior of user for the control in internet data;
- Enem 2019:Democratization of access to the movies in Brazil;
- Enem 2020: O Stigma Associate to the Illnesses mental at Brazilian society (printed proof), O challenge of reducing inequalities between regions of Brazil (proof digital) It is A lack of empathy in the relations social services in Brazil (Enem PPL and reapplication);
- Enem 2021: invisibility and Civil Registry: guarantee in access to citizenship in Brazil.
Enem 2022
The test will be applied to about 3.4 million students in all the countryin the days 13th and 20th of November. On their first day of the exam, students must take a language and humanities test. On their second day, they will take math and natural science tests. The exam locations are already available on the Registration Confirmation Card. Enrollment, at Page of Participant.
Students who are studying for the exam can access old tests and their grades through the Inep website. In order to test your knowledge, the studentshe hasaccessfree the questions of Enem, a bank elaboratefor the companyBrazil in Communication (EBC), which collects questions from old exams. You can choose which subject you want to study at the moment and the Bank choose the questions randomly.
Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.