Pre-approved candidates in the University for All Program (pronounce) should be aware. The deadline for proving documentation ends next week. July 28th is the last day to apply.
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It is worth mentioning that proof is required to guarantee access to the discount. Earlier this week, the Ministry of Education (Mec) released the first call with the list of approved candidates.
Check the list of documents required for verification:
– Identification document The student needs to deliver the documents of everyone who is part of his/her family group.
- Proof of address
– Certificate of Secondary Education
- Proof of income
– Proof of basic education teacher – Applicable only to teachers in exercise of the profession.
– Medical reports – For candidates selected for vacancies for people with disabilities.
Prouni 2021
Offering 134,329 full and partial scholarships, the program's website received a 21% higher number of enrollments than in the 2020 edition.
According to the Ministry of Education, 287,673 students applied for scholarships.
The second call for applicants will be released on August 3rd and on the 17th and 18th of the same month, students will be able to sign up for the program's waiting list.
There is still no information about a possible selection to fill the remaining vacancies in the program.
Check out the Prouni 2021 schedule:
July 13th to 16th – Application period;
July 20th – Result of the 1st call;
July 20th to 28th – Period for proving registration information for those pre-selected in the 1st call and selection process specific to the HEIs, if any;
august 03 – Result of the 2nd call;
August 3rd to 11th – Period for proof of registration information for those pre-selected in the 2nd call and selection process specific to the HEIs, if any.
Waiting list
August 17th and 18th – Deadline for expressing interest in joining the waiting list;
August 20th – Disclosure of the waiting list for educational institutions;
August 23rd to 27th – Period for proof of registration information for those pre-selected through the waiting list.
Pay attention to the deadlines and procedures published here.
Criteria for obtaining full and partial scholarships:
To apply for full scholarships, students must:
– Have proof of gross monthly family income of up to 1.5 minimum wages per person.
To apply for the 50% partial scholarships, the student must:
– Have proof of gross monthly family income of up to 3 minimum wages per person.
It is worth noting that the student does not need to take the entrance exam or be enrolled in the educational institution.
However, institutions participating in Prouni may submit candidates to their own selection process. This procedure needs to be exempt from charging or participation fee. The enrollee will be aware of this information at the time of enrolling in the program.