Know the pros and cons of whole grape juice

Whole grape juice is a full-bodied drink, without preservatives or added sugar, since the fructose alone makes it sweet. However, the taste and quality depend a lot on the brand you are buying. This juice is very tasty and ideal for accompanying meals, both in the morning and replacing wine, if you are removing alcohol from your diet. In addition, it is a strong drink with a remarkable taste. So, check now which pros and cons of whole grape juice.

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Pay attention to the product label

First of all, it is important to know the products you are consuming. Thankfully, the production information is on the labels on the packaging. Thus, it is necessary to learn to interpret the labels of everything of interest before taking it home and including it in your diet.

Therefore, as much as juices are healthier than soft drinks, for example, some brands may use preservatives and other substances that are harmful to long-term health. In this sense, opt for companies that produce more natural juices without the addition of chemicals.

What should I look for on the juice label?

When looking at the juice label, it is good to be aware of whether the drink has dyes and added sugar, in addition to substances that help extend the shelf life, since such substances are not natural. Therefore, the natural juice must not have anything other than grapes in its composition and must be consumed shortly after opening so as not to “vinegar” in the refrigerator.

Myths and truths about whole grape juice

  • Are you alcoholic?

Whole grape juice does not have alcohol in its composition, so it can be offered even to children and the elderly. However, such a drink can be a little strong for the palate of these age groups. To make the juice lighter, you can mix it with a little water so that the flavor is less pronounced.

  • Does it have a lot of calories?

The whole grape drink has a high caloric content. For comparison, having a glass of whole grape juice is equivalent to a glass (or even a little more) of whole milk. However, in grape juice we can find several substances that bring benefits to our body, such as better functioning of the heart.

  • Stain your teeth?

Because it has a high acidity rate and has a strong and striking color, as well as coffee and soft drinks, the consumption of whole grape juice can lead to the appearance of stains on the teeth. Because of this, it is always recommended to brush your teeth after eating.

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