Three Common Breakfast Drinks That Can Damage Your Metabolism

What you put into your body each morning plays a huge role in how you'll feel throughout the day. Your breakfast should provide necessary nutrients to boost your metabolism and keep you active throughout the day.

Unfortunately, some drinks ruin your well-being and can derail your weight loss goals by slowing down your metabolism. Some of them you may be consuming regularly.

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These drinks cannot be present at your breakfast

To find out some of the worst metabolism-ruining breakfast drinks, we spoke with physician Onyx Adegbola, MD, Ph. d. She told us that sugary fruit juice, sweetened non-dairy milk and sugary coffee drinks should be avoided if you're looking to shed a few pounds. Learn more about the health effects of these drinks below!

1. sugary fruit juice

It's easy to think that fruit juice is healthy because it comes from, well, fruit. But while fruit is arguably a great addition to any diet, Adegbola cautions that juice is another story, especially when it's bought ready-made. This is because it is often loaded with sugar, which can lead to a number of health risks when consumed in excess.

“Many commercially available juices contain large amounts of added sugar, which can quickly increase blood sugar and insulin levels, leading to a later energy crash and possibly slowing metabolism,” he says. she.

Instead, she recommends opting for whole fruit. If you really want to get some juice, making your own at home without adding any sweeteners is always the best option. “Vegetable juices tend to contain even less added sugar,” notes Adegbola.

2. Sweetened plant-based milk

Plant-based and lactose-free milks are certainly hot in the wellness world. However, it's important to pay attention to the nutrition label when choosing your milk. It turns out that many varieties contain added sugar or other sweeteners that can affect your metabolism over time.

“Many plant-based milks like almond, coconut, and soy contain added sugars and artificial flavors that can have a negative impact on your metabolism,” says Adegbola.

“Opt for unsweetened and unflavored versions of non-dairy milks for maximum nutritional benefits,” she suggests. “If you want to add extra flavor, sprinkle cinnamon or add vanilla extract as desired.” Delicious!

3. sugary coffee drinks

Starting your day with a cup of coffee can be a great way to get the caffeine boost you need to kickstart your morning. In fact, black coffee can even promote weight loss.

However, when you add a large amount of cream, sugar, and other sweet ingredients to the mix, you're putting your health (and metabolism) at risk. That means it's best to avoid those Starbucks special orders, too.

"While these tasty drinks can be tempting, they often contain too many calories and sugar that can contribute to weight gain and a compromised metabolism," warns Adegbola.

The best solution? "Opt for black coffee or tea and add milk or milk replacer as desired," she says. “For an extra dose of sweetness, try honey or natural sweeteners like Stevia.” Understood!

Ultimately, while an occasional glass of fruit juice won't kill you, the drinks that you choose to take each morning can have a significant impact on your health over time. Making a habit of choosing healthy drink options over those full of sugar is a great way to way to improve your general well-being, maintain a high metabolism and lose weight in a way constant.

To read more content like this, visit the Escola Educação website.

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