What if a piece of the sun 'breaks off'? This HAPPENED after an intense explosion

Astronomical agendas are increasingly present in our daily lives. Thanks to technological advances, new research and studies began to gain strength. Recently, for example, it was published news that a piece of the sun would have to be released after a solar flare.

Astronomical phenomena like this are common

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First, we must understand what a solar flare is all about.

Well, this phenomenon is nothing more than a sudden release of energy lasting seconds, which happens in sunspots, called active regions by researchers. This news surprised everyone, including scientists. They claim that the phenomenon occurs at times when the central star is extremely active. Studies reveal that there have already been catches like this, but none of them had reached this proportion.

Talk about Polar Vortex! Material from a northern prominence just broke away from the main filament & is now circulating in a massive polar vortex around the north pole of our Star. Implications for understanding the Sun's atmospheric dynamics above 55° here cannot be overstated!


—Dr. Tamitha Skov (@TamithaSkov) February 2, 2023

Why did it become possible?

After capturing the image of a filament detaching from the sun, that is, a piece of the central star of the Solar System breaking up, scientists began to question several factors.

Anyway, many researchers describe this situation as normal, but rare. This occurred because of a strong, medium-sized explosion that can reach hundreds of kilometers away in space.

When does something like this happen?

According to scientists, this detachment occurs when there is extreme solar activity. It was exactly what happened at that moment. It is a fact that solar flares are normal and are seen with a certain frequency.

Studies have revealed that events like this have already been recorded in past decades, but astronomers still concluded that none of them reached such intensity.

As told to Dr. Tamitha Skov, a physical, the material did indeed appear to have let go and then began circling the pole at 60 degrees latitude for approximately eight hours at a speed of 96 kilometers per second.

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