Can you differentiate friendliness and flirting in your social cycle?

Considering that we live in society, it is common for us to exchange social interactions on a daily basis. Whether in a ballad, at work, at college or on the street, contact with other people is always made. There are situations in which this interaction goes beyond the sympathy, because the other might be interested in you. Discover some signs that can alert you. You will be able to tell if the person is being nice or flirting with you.

These signs will clear it all up

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It is necessary to pay attention to five points so as not to make confusion.

1. Visual contact

Eye contact is an important point as it reflects interest or politeness. It is common for people to look deep into your eyes and quickly look away. There are those who establish contact, but instead of “running away”, they stare at you with a smile. Read the other person's posture to find out what he wants from you.

2. conversations

Another factor that makes it clear that the other person wants more from you is obvious in conversations. Specific issues are always addressed. In addition, the way of speaking is more affectionate. Men tend to discuss personal and professional achievements, while women discuss different topics.

3. body contact

The touch is very present at the time of flirting. At one point, there's the one leaning on the arms, shoulders and even a hand over the hair. If the touch is on the face, you can suspect!

4. compliments

You compliments are very common in flirting. Usually, the person will tell you that you look nice or that your outfit is very stylish. Also, in an unpretentious way, the other will praise you because of your talents.

5. Body language

It is very important to observe this sign. When the person is showing some kind of interest, the "body speaks". Common indications are seen when the other seems more comfortable with you, sees himself laughing for nothing, bringing up new subjects, looking at you shamelessly and even touching parts of himself with more freedom.

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